I am a Certified Relationship & Conflict Resolution Coach and I work in this field as I have lived and breathed conflict. I have been there. Just like you.

I have had to navigate the horror of being bullied at my corporate job, waded through toxic work environments, survived the heartbreak of abuse and had to renegotiate challenging relationships my whole life, despite being sensitive and feeling pretty scared and avoidant of conflict to be honest.

I’m not a victim, I am a survivor. I’ve learned to become far more comfortable with conflict and find the jewels hidden within that have helped me change my life and my world around me for the better. And I want this for you too.

I work alongside my clients to provide support and help them navigate the stress and pain of a difficult relationship - perhaps hating ourself, a marriage in trouble or family issue, or difficult relationships at work with a person or a team issue.

Drawing upon the depth of my training and experience in psychology, coaching, spirituality, business, entrepreneurship and agility, I specialise in creating bespoke solutions for both individuals and teams to trust themselves more, trust each other more and to quite frankly, create the magic they’re here to create!

Whether little ‘c’ or big ‘C’ conflict, we can all benefit from creating more inner peace and bringing more harmony to our relationships. Relationships are the essence of life. Consider me your coach and guide, your catalyst if you will, who creates the optimum environment for learning, connection and exploration for a gentle yet powerful transformation to take place.


Human Potential Institute 
Tutors Coaching:  Dr Mark Atkinson.  Rod Francis.  Ronit leMon Drobey.  

Tutor Biohacking: Dave Asprey

  • Professional ICF certified coaching

  • Solid foundation in Biology, Physiology, Psychology & science of change

  • Psychology of change - positive psychology and coaching with compassion 

  • Biohacking / Health optimisation:  Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep, Detox, health problem solving

NICABM National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioural Medicine
(Tutors:  Bessel van der Kolk, Peter Levine, Kelly McGonigal, Dan Siegel, Tara Brach, + more)

  • Dealing with trauma series – for trauma informed coaching and to unlock various psychological drivers of stuckness

ORSC Organisational Relationship Systems Coaching
(Tutors:  Nairy McMahon, Lori Shook)

  • Team and relationship coaching

  • Dealing with and unlocking conflict

  • Powerful ways to unlock inner conflict 

  • Powerful ways for radical insight, self awareness and inner growth 

Gottman Institute - Research-based approach to relationships
(Tutors: Drs John and Julie Gottman)

  • Gottman Relationship Coaching “Couples Therapy”

  • Understanding the pillars of a healthy relationship

  • The Toxins that harm relationships

  • How to repair from betrayal & conflict & rebuild intimacy, connection, trust

  • How to dream together and unlock our highest potential together