What feels worse than loving someone so much, wanting the relationship to be better and yet everything you try seems to make things worse?
It doesn’t have to be this way. The myth that when they are right, relationships work perfectly needs to be busted. Great relationships are built with skills and awareness…
What can you expect to explore in our work together
Gottman Institute for Relationships e.g. the ‘Sound Relationship House’
Explore the foundations of truly great relationship
Understand your ‘love’ and ‘argument’ languages
Explore interpersonal power dynamics
Unlock better patterns of communication and connection to bust you out of old argument patterns
Relationship Systems Coaching ‘magic’ from ORSC
Break through barriers to achieve greater understanding, connection and friendship
Remember why you first came together and dream a new dream together
A very helpful Buddhist definition of Love
Clue: (hint: see blog) It’s not the odd mix of attachment + hormones that Hollywood seems to have tricked us into believing
Tantra [a spiritual perspective known as the path of awakening through relationship]
Learn how to get out of your head and back into balance with your body
Lean into sensation and sensory pleasure
Rebalance Masculine & Feminine qualities within yourselves and as a couple
If you seek it, to rekindle passion and transcendence in physical intimacy
When we are in sync with our loved one(s), we can feel almost invincible, at our very best, resilient, playful, powerful even.
Yet when these most important relationships are in turmoil, we can feel drained, off balance, confused, disempowered, on an emotional rollercoaster and often we lose a sense of who we are.
What’s it like to coach with me?
It’s kinda fun! You’ll probably cry. Weighty problems don’t have feel heavy in our sessions. Working with me helps you lighten the load. You’ll find yourself able to talk about the hardest things and feel heard and understood - by each other - instead of rowing.
Vulnerability isn’t easy and yet this is where the magic of connection and healing happen.
To support our work together we will contract and agree the behaviours we will hold ourselves to in our work and the kind of coaching ‘container’ that would best suit you.
Some like strong challenge and ‘bounce’, others prefer a much more gentle, supportive approach. Together we explore what approach best suits you.
Intrigued? Let me give you an idea of who I’ve helped…
Couples whose arguments were becoming more and more heated, in a few cases violent, to find a much more constructive way to work through their differences. To understand their own needs and be able to talk about what matters most without causing an argument.
Couples in which one or both partners have ‘cheated’ but who wanted their relationship to work. I helped them understand the kind of disconnection that leads to affairs, their specific points of disconnection and helped them to connect again, feel truly seen, heard and understood by each other. Able to trust again and feeling more deeply, passionately connected than before the affair.
Work through ‘conscious uncoupling’ so that all parties could remain friendly and be able to co-parent in a mutual way that suited them all. This deep work helped set each person individually free from their old unconscious relationship patterns and helped them grow personally and together in a way that has transformed their lives for the better, beyond the pain of loss.
Couples in long term relationships who have lost their way, find themselves again and rekindle passion and intimacy and build a stronger, purposeful relationship in which they both feel truly supported and happy.
What are you waiting for? Life is so short.
Isn’t it real intimacy, the connection and magic we’ve shared with the people who matter most to us that really means everything at the end of our life?
I’m so happy you’re here. First things first, book a free call to meet me, check our chemistry, and talk through your situation and what you’d like to achieve with the support of Couples Therapy.
This isn’t a problem. Relationships are a partnership, a co-created dynamic. It's amazing to work with you both, yet working on yourself may be the greatest gift you give yourself and this alone will shift your relationship for the better.
how many sessions will I have?
We start with an initial package of six sessions plus two one to ones if you are coaching as a couple.
This package gives you full flexibility to book the sessions you need at the cadence that best suits you. This might a mix of weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Pick what works for you to keep your momentum going.
What qualifies you as a relationship coach?
Honestly it’s as much my personal experiences -as a child growing up in an abusive household, then my own failed first marriage that helped me ‘wake up and now my true soul mate partnership with my husband Nav of …um I think its 15 years now… as it is my deep and broad professional training.
I used to be a ‘stonewaller’, someone who tried to not rely on anyone else, who was super avoidant of conflict, who bottled things up and wished I was a robot who had no emotions.
That was a long time ago and after much therapy and then learning about Gestalt and Transactional Analysis psychological approaches, I trained in:
The Gottman Method with the Gottman Institute, who have led the field of research and clinical practice for more than 50 years
Relationship Systems Coaching with ORSC and CRR Global
Human Potential Professional Coach Training and ICF certification
I also continue to explore Tantra; energy and sound healing; music and movement.
These powerful practices help us break down the dust of domesticity and modern life that builds up and forms a hard shell that blocks our ability to both receive and give love. Through practice we can awaken, free ourselves, feel liberated, free, living in full colour, vital and alive once more..
Your initial package includes:
2 x one-to-ones if you are coaching as a couple
The Gottman Method Relationship Check Up quiz
6 x Relationship Coaching sessions via zoom or in person in London
Between session support via WhatsApp
Access to vast array of resources, curated to your needs, shared via GoogleDrive or WhatsApp
Your investment is approximately 74 hours over the course of coaching + your commitment to put into practice the mindset, communication skills and relational tools we discover during our work together. Do the same ol’ thing, and you’ll get the same ol’ results.
After completing the programme, you may well find your problem solved. Or if you’re enjoying the path of development you can book another package, or simply pay as you go.
Also why not come along to the inspired dojo, the safe, playful space where great relationship skills are practiced.
* Note. The initial coaching package is valid for 240 days, 8 months. Coaching requires momentum; use it or lose it. Always talk with Sam if you're struggling.